When will my order ship?
Atomic Arts is run by the creator, Joe - that's me! - and orders will be filled as quickly as possible. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. You will get an email confirmation when your order has shipped. Double check that your email is spelled correctly if you didn't get a confirmation- and if you have other questions, or need your items in a hurry, please email me at [email protected]! I’m happy to help out if possible. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and your patronage!


Can I place a wholesale order?
If you own or manage a retail store, I would love to hear from you! I’m sure we can work something out. I would love to work with you!


Oops! I ordered the wrong stuff!
Email me right away! I'll sort it out, and it's easier to do that before anything ships! :)


My order arrived damaged! 
If your order was incorrect or arrived damaged, please email me a photo and I will happily replace or refund your order!

My order never showed up at all!
In the unusual case that you received a shipping notice but nothing has shown up, get in touch with me. Mail occasionally gets delivered to the wrong address, stolen from porches, or just plain lost. Email me and I will check the tracking. In the meantime, check with your post office, neighbors and roommates!


Do you ship internationally?
Unfortunately due to the extremely high current international rates, I have decided to only ship throughout the continental United States. I hope you will consider purchasing a digital version of our products until the world gets back to some sort of normalcy.